To report an incident, please call 306.382.6935.

Reasons to call:

  • Intoxicated or sleeping persons in your business or in public
  • A person struggling with mental health issues
  • A person experiencing homelessness
  • 3rd party mediation and conflict resolution
  • City bylaw information and enforcement
  • Negative street activity
  • Needle disposal
  • An active disturbance in your business or property

You should always call 9-1-1 if you witness criminal behavior (weapons, criminal behavior, and assault), and if someone is seriously injured or in physical danger.

We want to hear from you

Please fill out the form below if you were on scene as a witness or involved in any occurrence with our CSP officers and wish to give any formal positive or negative feedback.

13 + 10 =

Please ensure you provide as many details as possible including place of incident, description or name(s) of CSP staff involved, any witnesses known to you, and a detailed summary of the event.

The Community Support Program strives to operate with the highest of ethical standards and delivery of service. If you believe this has not occurred and wish to file a formal complaint, be assured it will be investigated.

Once you have reported your complaint, it will be assigned for investigation and the oversight body for the CSP will be notified.

Do not use this page to report a current incident for CSP officers to attend a call for service.

Contact Us


Please share your general inquiries here in the form below. You can also contact us by email, phone, or social media.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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